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NHS creative visual arts project and environment graphics.

Branding and Graphic Design Case Studies:

Project deliverables: creative workshops, graphic design, digital illustration, environment graphics, icon design and wayfinding

We have been designing and delivering creative workshops, environment design and wayfinding, graphic design and digital illustration with Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) since 2008. There have been many projects working with patients and families and staff but the main project has been base around a massive series of nature illustrations inspired and applied to interior design, environment, wayfinding and signage strategies.

All based on animals and environments found in the natural world. The brief was to use the creative arts and graphic design to design ward, corridor and shared environments like restaurants and reception areas that would help to distract, entertain and interest patients and parents and in doing so assist, in some small way, in alleviating the stress and fear for visiting families.

Since 2008 we have completed many creative arts projects, visual arts projects, environment design and exhibitions for hospitals and trusts across the NHS.

We deliver a full service creative arts product to the NHS, from initial research, scoping and running workshops to design concepts, production management of all creative arts solutions and installation management including design and installation into some very challenging NHS environments. Products have also included multiple signage, promotional and educational solutions that use a wide variety of visually creative and engaging approaches all created by our in-house illustrators.

We are experts in the management and delivery of creative visual arts projects for the NHS.